Treasures. Riches. Rewards. Glory. It sounds nice, doesn’t it?

A dream of almost everyone on this earth is to “make it.” To be financially successfully. To be well-off. To have riches, in whatever currency they can.

Unfortunately for most of us, that will never be.

It is very hard to get rich on this earth. It is hard to “win” at the economic game.

But what if I told you, that even the rich in this life, will not always be rich?

You can’t take it with you

That’s right, the rich aren’t always going to be rich, because when they pass away, whether Christian or not, they will leave behind all they own.

A famous saying I love to quote is this: “You don’t see U-Haul’s behind hearses.”

Wherever a person goes after death, their possessions do not follow them.

So the rich in this world, are rich for their short lives. Then they leave it behind, leaving the world as they came in: naked, and with nothing.

Good News for Christians

But for those of us who believe in Jesus Christ, there is good news.

You can escape this ‘rat race’ – this rather pointless chase for earthly possessions.

You can be rich, although maybe not now, but definitely for all of eternity.

How? By storing up treasures in heaven.

The word treasure refers to something highly valuable. Something precious. Something of great worth.

It was Jesus who commanded us and promised us treasures in heaven in Matthew 6:19-21.

When we think of treasures, we often think of gold, or silver, or precious gemstones.

But the treasures we receive in heaven will be of far greater worth than gold, or silver, or precious gemstones.

For, behold, the streets themselves of the New Jerusalem are paved with gold. (Revelation 21:21.)

So then how much more valuable than gold will our treasures be worth on the New Earth?

How do we get them?

The answer is quite simple, yet profound.

The answer lies in Ephesians 6:8.

When I read this, and God opened my eyes to this truth, it blew the whole treasures in heaven doctrine wide open for me.

This is what the verse says:

“…knowing that whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether he is a bondservant or is free.”

Ephesians 6:8, ESV

Did you catch that? “Whatever good anyone does, this he (or she) will receive back from the Lord.”

“Whatever good.”

Okay, so, in context, Paul had just gave us instructions of how to be a good husband or wife (Ephesians 5:22-33,) a good parent/child (Ephesians 6:1-4,) and a good slave/master (Ephesians 6:5-9.)

Now, in the modern day times, I would trade out ‘slave/master’ for ‘boss/employee,’ since, and rightly so, slavery is basically outlawed all throughout the world.

There is actually a good verse to support this view. Or rather, two verses: Colossians 3:23 and 24, which say:

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, 

knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”

Colossians 3:23-24, ESV

Therefor, by simply working for your boss as if you were working for Christ, you are earning treasures in heaven.

Now that’s amazing. Talk about getting a pay raise! You can literally work for another person as if they’re Jesus Himself, and Jesus Himself will then reward you for your work.

Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Likewise, bosses should be kind to their employees. And they thus get a reward, too.

But there’s other ways, too.

Whatever Good

A part of Ephesians 6:8, to me, means that “whatever good,” also implies fulfilling New Testament commands, since New Testament commands are the ultimate good.

Which means, if there’s a New Testament verse telling you to do something, and you do it, you get a reward.

For example, encouraging and building up other Christians:

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”

1 Thessalonians 5:11

By doing this in your life, by encouraging and being up other Christians, thus fulfilling 1 Thessalonians 5:11, the principle Paul gave us in Ephesians 6:8 comes into effect.

Want more examples? Okay, you got it. Check out this teaching of Jesus:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 
But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 
so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.”

Matthew 5:43-45, ESV

Whenever you love your enemies, whether by showing them kindness, forgiveness, or simply praying for them, you fulfill Matthew 5:43-45, Jesus’ teaching on loving your enemies. Since you are doing something “good,” Ephesians 6:8 comes into effect, and you get a reward.

See how this works? By simply doing good things, and fulfilling New Testament scriptures, you get treasures in heaven.

One more example, because I really want you to catch this.

Jesus told us to love our neighbors as ourselves.

…You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 

Matthew 22:39, ESV

Again, when you love your neighbor, and do good to those around you, you fulfill Matthew 22:39. And since you are fulfilling a New Testament commandment, you are doing something good, therefore, Ephesians 6:8 comes into effect, which means you receive a reward for this.

There are endless examples. There are as many examples as there are New Testament commands.

In fact, teaching gives treasures in heaven. By teaching others this, I’m earning treasures in heaven.

Make Yourself Rich in Heaven

Therefor, my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I urge each and every one of you to live lives where you will be heavily rewarded on judgement day.

Do good deeds, and fulfill New Testament commands, every day, as much as possible. Jesus said,

“And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.” 

Matthew 10:42, ESV

This means that even the “smallest” of good deeds, such as giving someone a cup of cold water, will be rewarded.

Which means that every day, there are endless opportunities to do good deeds, from giving someone something to drink, to sharing our testimony, to holding the door open for somebody, to telling your parents you love them.

It would be wise to use these opportunities to store up vast wealth in God’s Kingdom. You won’t regret having too much treasures in heaven. You may wish you had more, though!

One Final Reminder

Remember, brothers and sisters, that the Kingdom of Jesus Christ is eternal. Whatever we send ahead there, we will enjoy for all of eternity.

The more treasures we send ahead, the more joy we will have.

So send ahead more treasures. Don’t bother storing up treasures on the earth, however.

Why? Because you will leave it behind. Our possessions here on earth, we will only own temporarily.

But the treasures we send ahead to Jesus’ Kingdom, and the rewards we gain for ourselves there, we will enjoy throughout eternity.

So, with that said, get busy storing up treasures in heaven.

Have fun doing so. I feel like a child on a treasure hunt when I store them up.

Let this doctrine fill you full of zeal and joy. Let this doctrine motivate you and bring you pure happiness.

Don’t stress about this life. Just focus on storing up treasures in the next. Jesus will take care of the rest.

God bless you all!


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