woman in gray long sleeve shirt holding yellow fruit

Childlikeness, a Gift From God

The scriptures teach for Christians to be childlike. But rather than a hard commandment, it almost reads as if the expectation is that not many will be able to do so.

At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” 
Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, 
and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. 
Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 

Matthew 18:1-4, NKJV

In order to even enter the Kingdom of God, one must take on some measure of childlikeness. I believe most Christians have done this.

However, in order to be the greatest in the Kingdom of God, one must humble themselves as a child. Few, it seems, are willing to do this.

But first, let’s talk about what becoming like a little child means.

Childlike Faith, or Humility?

Many preachers say that this passage is teaching us to merely believe like little children would believe. I don’t think that’s accurate.

The passage is more accurately teaching us to humble ourselves as little children. And take it a step further – to take on the nature of a child.

Humble, meek, lowly. Gentle, obedient, loving, kind. Caring, compassionate, tender-hearted.

This is the way that pleases Christ the most, the way He has told us to follow, if we are to achieve true greatness.

Contrast this with the ways of the world and the ways of religion, which teach boldness, authority, macho-ness, toughness, loudness.

There is almost a sense where many in Christianity are trying to become more “adult-like” whereas Christ is expecting us to become more childlike.

To be honest, I believe Christ Himself is childlike, though many might not want to look at our Lord and Savior like this.

But even He said this:

Mat 11:29  Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 

Matthew 11:29

I would argue just based off of this verse alone that Christ has a measure of childlikeness within Himself. Why would He teach us to have this attribute, and not exhibit it Himself?

So to be truly Christlike, I think, is to be childlike. Christlikeness is childlikeness.

What exactly is childlikeness?

What kind of childlikeness? The path of humility, lowering yourself in your own eyes, will lead you to childlikeness. Think about how a good child acts.

Humble, and obedient to their authorities. We are to be like that.

Gentle, usually not harmful at all. Again, take that nature upon yourself.

Kind, willing to share with others, and to give to others. Become like this.

Children are easy and quick to forgive, quick to love, slow to hate.

Be like this.

Children are friendly, happy, and playful. Imitate this.

Children are peaceful, not anxious, and slow to argue.

Get the idea?

All of these things, (and many other attributes, too,) the things that make a good child, are things that we as Christians are to take upon ourselves!

A sense of wonder and awe and amazement at life? It’s not impossible to gain that back.

The use of imagination in our service to the Lord? It is not a sin, and can lead a Christian to have lots of more fun.

Too many Christians rely on the part of their brain that handles logic and reasoning to be Christians.

Too few Christians rely on the artistic, creative, fun-loving part of their brain to be Christians.

Don’t just cleave to logic. Enjoy the Lord Jesus as a little child would.

Be humble. Be kind. Be loving.

Be childlike.

And the result of doing this? You will be set on the path to being one of the greatest saints in the Kingdom of God.

God bless you!


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